Unlimited earning potential funding small businesses locally and nationally.
Click the "Learn More" button to schedule a 10-minute, pressure-free call.

Partnerships that Empower Entrepreneurs

Help businesses get the cash they need in as little as 24 hours – and get paid doing it.

Small businesses need working capital every day to operate and grow.  Banks simply aren’t lending to them anymore.  This is where we come in.

We are a nationally-recognized brand and an industry leader in the fast-growing market for small business working capital.

Refer Businesses, Make Commissions

How long have you been searching for an opportunity to truly leverage your skills, talents, and ambitions?

Join a growing list of successful entrepreneurs and discover for yourself all the benefits joining Bizfundingfinder.

Here's what you'll get as a sales partner:


We teach you everything you need to know about
the industry, funding products, and lead generation.


Sell funding products to more than 50 million small businesses across all 50 US states and Canada!


Everything you need to effectively manage your
business from anywhere on the planet!

The “secret sauce” for jump-starting your business and ramping it up quickly.

Cafe owner

Always Wanted to Run
Your Own Business?

Fuel the American Dream by helping businesses access the working capital they need to grow and thrive.

Low Startup Costs

Bizfundingfinder.com has the lowest startup costs in the industry, with the option to work from a home-office.

Complete Sales Support

Access continuing education and ongoing support, and our top closers will assist you with all aspects of the sales process.

Inbound Lead Generation

From the day you open shop, you will start receiving live transfers of hot leads – merchants in need of immediate funding who meet our approval criteria.

Join a Nationally-Ranked Brand

Bizfundingfinder is a dominant player in an untapped niche market, with endless growth potential. Nearly 8 out of 10 businesses are unable to meet their financing needs through conventional channels.  Meanwhile. 40% of small businesses seek financing each year, and 7 out of 10 are unaware that alternative lending sources even exist.

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Did You Know?

Nearly 8 out of every 10 businesses can't meet their financing needs, making your sales opportunities nearly unlimited! LEARN MORE ›

Why Our Partners Love Working With Us: